my first photo i ever had published was of kevin at the 2006 open. i took the photo having no idea what i was doing, not that i have much more of an idea these days, but i was truly clueless with a brand new canon 10d in hand. it will always be something that i am proud of and always give me a connection with kevin.

besides all of that, anyone who knows me knows that i have suffered a few head injuries myself. nothing as large and as serious as kevin, but they are still something i deal with on a regular basis. it is a scary reality to choosing the activities we choose. one minute it is pure bliss followed quickly by the polar opposite. your head is something that never heals, you cannot put a cast on it, have a quick outpatient surgery and clear up, it is something that is with you for the long haul and something that our medical community still knows very little about.
in the end i want to wish my best to kevin and all the others we don't know who every year end up in similar predicaments for doing something they love. may you all have a speedy recovery.
to follow kevin's journey click here
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