i am a big fan of my
moleskine notebook. i am a bit forgetful of the majority of my life so i need to write things down, not everything, but most things. strangely enough it does not matter where i write things down, simply that i write them somewhere seems to be enough to help commit the task or object to memory. the moleskine becomes so useful because it is small enough to almost always be close, i call it the traveler size, i have no idea what they call it. at any rate my "traveler" is just about finished and that inspires a bit of reflection.
there is stuff from the days of terrain parks, with set ups and ideas.

there are story notes from trips i have taken.

there are file breakdowns of photos that i liked and needed to use.

and finally the journey is nicely wrapped up in totally anti-climatic mannor by the technical data from my current job.

i guess the moral of the story is that if you have a hard time remembering things, get a moleskine or any notebook for that matter. besides remembering all those really important things, you will have a fun day of reminiscing when the book is all filled... oh well off to the store to get a fresh book to fill with random tidbits and coffee stains.