so i am not the biggest browns fan, but i do enjoy going to a game and taking in the sites... i was lucky enough to get the call from kirk and invited to the home opener on sunday. lots to see at a browns game check out some of what i saw below.
this is where you enter, notice it is broken down by gender, this is because you have to get padded down for weapons and other contraband before you enter. always a sign that you are in a fun place.

this was advertised many times over by the announcer as the "largest browns flag in the world". pretty exciting! small footnote, the people of mumbai india are quite disappointed as they have been unseated as the holders of the world's largest browns flag title. my condolences.

here is lebron james enjoying the game, notice the hands clapping which actually created a small spike in the local economy as 74% of cleveland's GDP is based on lebron.

unfortunately the town's GDP is not based on this guy. he saw i had a camera and asked if i would take a photo of him... glad i did, otherwise i would have missed this gem.

plenty of orange and brown for everyone