so for lack of anything better to do, i am going to start reviewing concerts that i did not go to. keep in mind that as long as it is not the acoustic angel's or susie susienstien and the jerkoffs, chances are i can hear whatever is going on at the arorga from the comfort of my couch, and for free. so without any further...
last night was the band my chemical romance, also affectionately know by their fans as mcr. please keep in mind that judging from the lines in front of the agora that i saw while getting a bite to eat, their fanbase consists of 14 year olds who have never shaved, face or legs whatever may apply. now i am not a huge fan of these guys because i do not shop at hot topic and i do in fact shave, both my legs and face incidentally, but they seem to have a pretty ravenous fanbase of screamers and singalongers and they seemed to be decently entertaining. as would be expected they played all of their big hits aka the songs that i had heard of, and even told a few stories to the crowd. lucky for me it was a school night and everything was pretty much wrapped up by 10:30. so all and all, i have to say it was a great show. the prepubescent fans were stoked and i was asleep by 11.