so in honor of
movember(november, national moustache month), i have taken it upon myself to grow a moustache. in growing it i realized what a persons facial hair said about them... see below please.

the beard-
can go several different ways for me, but what comes to mind first is... i am an earthy guy, i shop at whole foods, i play the guitar in my free time, life is pretty good.

the goatee-
this says one thing to me... damn why couldn't i have been around seattle in the early 90's, (please note the flannel), i love starbucks and i love mudhoney, the early stuff.

ahh, this one-
i live in brooklyn, possibly williamsburg although it is getting way too packed with lame posers, i ride a fix gear and i think i am better then you.
and finally...

this one says i am headed to green bay, wi this weekend to watch the chicago bears play the green bay packers in a football game loaded up with miller and cheese curd.
it also says... happy movember!